
Summer Analyst at Goldman Sachs (Summer, 2020)
Intern at Goldman Sachs, Consumer and Investment Management Division.
Software Development Engineering Intern at Amazon (Spring, 2019)
Worked in Amazon ElasticSearch Service, search-engine as a service, Amazon Web Services.
Indian Statistical Institute – Kolkata, India (Summer, 2018)
Advisor: Prof. Bimal Kumar Roy
Research Intern at R. C. Bose Centre for Cryptology and Security, Indian Statistical Institute.
Indian Statistical Institute – Kolkata, India (Summer, 2017)
Advisor: Prof. Ansuman Banerjee
Research Intern under the Summer Internship Program in Cryptology 2017, R. C. Bose Centre for Cryptology and Security, Indian Statistical Institute (funded by Microsoft Research India).


Kumari, Divya, Priyanka Nath, Sumran Kilam, and Aleena Swetapadma. "Volatile Substance Abuse: A Nearest Neighbor Based Analysis." In International Conference on Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICITE), 2018.
Kumari, Divya, Sumran Kilam, Priyanka Nath, and Aleena Swetapadma. "Prediction of alcohol abused individuals using artificial neural network." International Journal of Information Technology 10, no. 2 (2018):233-237.
Nath, Priyanka, Sumran Kilam, and Aleena Swetapadma. "A machine learning approach to predict volatile substance abuse for drug risk analysis." In Research in Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (ICRCICN), 2017 Third International Conference on, pp. 255-258. IEEE, 2017.


Health Monitoring Dashboard for Elasticsearch CLusters - Implemented a low-level REST Elasticsearch client to connect to remote clusters and make queries. Created a web service using Springboot to expose cluster, node and index level metrics. Visualized these metrics as a color coded health monitoring dashboard to provide a holistic view of the clusters and provide an improved user experience..
API-Level Metrics for Amazon Elasticsearch Service - Evaluated existing metrics for Amazon Elasticsearch Service (search-engine as a service, part of Amazon Web Services) and designed 19 new API-level metrics to improve service availability and customer experience..
Bias Verification Of Rivest Cipher (RC4) Keystream - Verified the bias in the RC4 keystream by doing a graph analysis as per the works of Sen Gupta et al.
Linux System Call Analysis - Developed an system call pattern matching & analysis application for Linux which used inputs generated by an automated fuzzer, American Fuzzy Lop, to detect malicious binaries.(Summer internship project 2017, funded by the Defence Research and Development Organisation, Government of India)
Drug and Alcohol Risk Prediction Modeling - Built an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model to classify the susceptibility of an user to alcohol and drug abuse based on demographics, five-factor personality model, etc. Increased the accuracy of last predicted usage time of VSA by applying k-Nearest Neighbours classification.
Principle Components Analysis - Implementation of PCA using Cuda-C on GPUs.
Bookmarkz - A social bookmarking application using Django web framework.
Vigenère Cipher Decoder - A Vigenère Cipher Decoder in Python which takes the encrypted ciphertext as input and generates 5 probable keywords one of which the user choses to decrypt the ciphertext.

Technical Skills

C & C++





Android Studio